Nursing garden

There are always people who say that the various types of fire do you distinguish?


"Anger" is a folk saying, and it is also a word that is often mentioned in daily life, or a symptom that is often said。A professional point, "fire" can be explained by the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, belongs to the category of "heat syndrome" in the eight-line syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, is due to the feeling of heat evil, or zang-fu Yang hyperactivity, or Yin deficiency Yang hyperactivity, resulting in hyperactivity of the body with warm and heat characteristics of the syndrome, that is, everyone said "fire"。

Then, the specific symptoms of "fire" are different, and the corresponding zang-fu organs are different. The zang-fu organs commonly involved include heart, liver, lung, stomach, kidney, etc., and these zang-fu organs are more prone to fiery syndrome。

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The following to introduce the common various viscera "fire" performance and diet care。

First, heart fire hyperactivity syndrome

The main manifestations are upset, thirst, insomnia, constipation, yellow urine, burning astringent pain, or sore mouth and tongue;Severe cases of manic delirium, delirium。If mild symptoms appear, daily life can be boiled lotus seed lily Tremella soup, which lotus seed flat taste sweet, astringent, into the heart, lung, kidney channel, lily taste sweet, flat, slightly bitter, with nourishing Yin moistening lung, Qingxin calming effect, tremella contains dietary fiber, the whole soup has the role of nourishing the heart, tonifying the spleen, tonifying the kidney。Lotus seed and spareribs soup is also a good medicinal recipe。

Second, liver fire incandescent syndrome

The main manifestations are dizziness, head swelling pain, red face and red eyes, dry mouth, irritability, tinnitus, hypochetal swelling pain, insomnia and dreams, dry stool, short yellow urine and so on。In daily life, you can choose to eat some food according to your own situation, such as bitter herbs, tomatoes, lemons, apples, water chestnuts, etc., and you can also make water for chrysanthemum and cassia seeds to drink tea。

Third, lung heat incandescent syndrome

The main manifestations are fever, thirst, cough and phlegm, yellow and sticky phlegm, nasal congestion, yellow turbidous nose, burning nose, or sore throat, constipation, short yellow urine and so on。Daily life can be boiled autumn pear paste, pipa pear juice, water chestnut lotus lotus juice, according to their own conditions to choose to eat some lung hot food, such as luffa, white radish, white fungus, lotus root, Chinese cabbage, loquat, pear, banana, apple and so on。

Fourth, stomach heat incandescent syndrome

The main manifestations are epigastric burning pain, thirst and cold drinks, hunger, swollen gums, bleeding gums, bad breath, constipation, short red urine。Daily life can be boiled mung bean soup to clear gastric fire, but also according to their own situation to choose to eat some food to remove stomach fire, such as cucumber, winter melon, bitter melon, watermelon, pear and so on。

Five, kidney Yin deficiency fire flourishing

Mainly due to kidney Yin deficiency, Yin deficiency fire, deficiency heat internal disturbance showed some symptoms, common manifestations of waist and knee pain, dizziness tinnitus, hot flushes and night sweats, five upset heat, dry throat and zygomatic red, insomnia and dreams, short yellow urine and so on。In daily life, you can choose according to your own situation to eat food that nourishes Yin and reduces fire, such as turtle, kelp, seaweed, sea cucumber, spinach, pig blood, pig liver, black chicken, pumpkin, clam, white fungus。

The above is some of the common "fire" performance in our lives and common diet rehabilitation, you can also match your own diet according to the specific situation。We should pay attention to the combination of work and rest in life,In the daily diet should pay attention to eat more vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits,Drink more water,Eat less spicy fried food,Stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption,Do not eat too much hot fruit,Such as durian, litchi, longan, cherry, pomegranate, etc.;Some hot vegetables,Such as leek, garlic shoots, garlic sprouts, onion, green onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, cinnamon and so on。Secondly, "fire" and psychological state also have an inseparable relationship, to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude to life is also the best "fire extinguishing agent"。

If the symptoms continue unabated or gradually worsen after the adjustment of life diet, and even oral and nasal bleeding, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia and other symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time, and a professional doctor will give corresponding diagnosis and treatment。

By Cheung Chien-ying, Ward 1, Geriatrics Centre

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