Party building work

Our college held the sixth Party Committee theoretical Learning Center group meeting in 2023


为进一步统一思想、深化认识,高质量开好学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育专题民主生活会,8月22日,Our college held the sixth Party Committee theoretical Learning Center group meeting in 2023。The meeting was presided over by Party Secretary Xu Lia, and members of the hospital leadership team participated in the study。

会上,专题学习了习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想,Important speeches and important instructions on serious intra-party political life,This paper discusses the importance of casting soul by learning, increasing wisdom by learning, promoting dry by learning and so on,Important instructions on education and Chinese medicine,I have learned some inner-party laws and regulations such as some guidelines for inner-Party political life under the new situation, and some regulations for the democratic life of leading cadres of Party members and state organs at or above the county level。


Xia Jie, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, made a key speech on the continuous deepening of learning to cast soul, learning to increase wisdom, learning to promote the wind, and learning to promote dry。Ouyang Jilin, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, made an exchange speech from the internal concept and external practice of serious political life within the party。

In concluding her speech, Xu Liya stressed that democratic life is an important content of political life within the party, and a good thematic democratic life is an important carrier for the review and rectification of theme education, and an important measure to ensure the effectiveness of theme education。一是要坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,聚焦学思想、强党性、重实践、建新功总要求,推动主题教育走深走实、落地见效。Second, we need to make solid preparations for a democratic life,Go deep into heart-to-heart conversations,Adhere to problem orientation,Identify problems and gaps,Carefully write team check materials and personal speech outline,Take criticism and self-criticism seriously,See people, see things, see ideas,To ensure that the thematic democratic life will produce high quality and good results。The third is to comprehensively sort out the work since the theme education, summarize and consolidate good experience and good practices in a timely manner, transform the results of the theme education into the spiritual motivation and specific measures to promote the hospital to deepen reform and innovative development, and promote the high-quality development of the hospital to a new level。


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